search O more is a custom-made search instrument for 3d models, textures and images ready to be imported to your favorite 3d software, like Blender. It implements AI modeling techniques to seamlessly search for assets from Blenderkit, Sketchfab, Megascans and more.
How to construct an architectural image in an era of freely available 3d assets, open-source software and YouTube tutorials? What challenges does this novel condition present to architectural education and practice?
search O more is a research project developed by Jorge Orozco and Miro Roman from the House of Coded Objects, UIBK’s Institute für Gestaltung Studio2, in collaboration with Adil Bokhari from the Chair for Digital Architectonics at ETHZ.
Watch search O more acting in studio O-More and Meteora, and visit its sibling apps ask.alice🌸, Panoramas of Cinema🍿 and MARK🖍.