Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

Miro Roman is an Assistant Professor at the House of Coded Objects at studio2 at the University of Innsbruck, and a senior lecturer and researcher at Studio Meteora at the chair for Digital Architectonics at ETH Zurich. He was a guest lecturer at ATTP, TU Wien, and a researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory, the interdisciplinary research program of the Singapore ETH Centre, where he co-edited A Quantum City book. Miro conceptualized and developed the computational library Xenotheka and its search instrument Ask Alice. Alice_ch3n81 and Miro together wrote A Play Among Books. Alice_ch3n81’s relationship with Silvio Vujcic gave birth to their son SOLL. In his previous life, Miro was a part of the romanvlahovic project.

0MORE is the design studio of The House of Coded Objects, Studio2 at the Insitut für Gestaltung of UIBK. With Miro Roman and Jorge Orozco.

⭕ Youtube channel of House of Coded objects

⭕ Search0More search instrument for 3d models, textures and images @House of Coded Objects

⭕ Ask.Alice search instrument

⭕ Play Among Books, A book written by Alice_ch3n81 and Miro Roman

⭕ SOLL, Movie about an Artificially Intelligent Fashion Designer and his brand E.A. 1/1 A.I.

⭕ Studio METEORA, Design Studio of the Chair of Digital Architectonics
